Harry potter fanfiction harry quits gryffindor complete. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: .

Harry potter fanfiction harry quits gryffindor complete , Parvati P. In his mind Harry turned, spinning around in every conceivable direction, to see if there was anything more but there was nothing. " With that Harry offered a cocky smirk at the flabbergasted faces of Ron and Collins, and the somewhat shocked faces of the other Gryffindor's who had voted for exclusion. Now that you're here, the bit of soul that was Hieronymus is now part of you and complete. Harry uncovers the lies of those around him, The goblin that Harry recognized as Griphook stood up, bowed towards Harry and said, "Lord Potter, I am Griphook, account manager for the Potter family vaults" he withdrew from his person a portfolio and opened it, "As of our most recent audit, your family vault has twenty seven million six hundred eighteen thousand five hundred fifty three galleons, forty two sickles and three You are not alone Harry, as long as you have your friends with you. The lesson went well, Professor Snape, concerned he might be forced to award any more points to Gryffindor, refused "Harry Potter. Harry's uncle destroys his invitation so "Are you out of what's left of your mind, old man?" She hissed back angrily to him, crossing her arms stubbornly. Now, twenty-three years later, the Hat declared that he is fit to make Godric Gryffindor proud. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Eventual Harry x Daphne fic! A/N (10/30/24): Welcome to my longfic in progress!The early sections of the story are currently being re-worked to fix some of the flaws in the early years. He explained that he had convinced both the Minister and the Wizengamot of the usefulness of such a person, and that with Justin's pedigree and his own skills, he was a natural first choice. "So," he said, when Harry had finally removed the banner and thrown it into a corner. Originally, you were supposed to be handed over the rights to the Potter vault when on your fifteenth birthday, but circumstances prevented that, not to mention Dumbledore's lack of informing you. She had never seen Harry Potter so aggressive. Ron lay on the bed without moving, watching Harry struggle to remove it. With only a few years before her inevitable death, Mary works to defeat Voldemort and keep her friends and family safe. Nothing less. Until Katie Harry's parent's died and now he's leaving with his evil relatives. I just wanted to show that this Harry is a tad bit darker than original Paid In Blood Harry. Summary After the fall of Sirius and the rejection of those who supported him, Harry Potter learns a secret that sets him out on his own. In a startling turn of events, Harry Potter, 18, has quit the Ministry Auror training programme to play professional Quidditch for the Chudley Cannons. He hastened to take it off, but it was tied very tightly. In a dim hall that the British Magical Government used for criminal trails, Harry James Potter, known as the Boy-Who-Lived having survived the Killing curse and banishing a Dark Lord, was tried for the simple issue of underage magic. K. He finds new support in the last place expected and goes on to find the real future his destiny holds and forging his new way through the world with new rules he was never aware existed. "For the Lordship of Gaunt, you will need to see if the ring accepts you. For Harry I will fight until Voldemort and every last Death Eater is wiped from the face of the Earth," his voice sounded sad yet determined. The Defense of Hogsmeade. After losing 150 points in one night, Harry becomes the most hated kid in school. EIGHT. The lists were up. He is more like Grindelwald, who believes in a cause. See letter enclosed. Dobby shuffled his stack of bright orange napkins. Harry could tell that Albus Dumbledore was confused as to what he had just told the Headmaster, but whatever question that headmaster had for Harry was postponed as the attention of everyone in the Great Hall was suddenly diverted towards a rather unusual owl that had just entered the Great Hall heading Just obliviating might work. They couldn't be in Slytherin surely! Chapter 4 Harry Quits Hogwarts. Five minutes later, Harry's eyes were watering and the blonde was still holding his ground. Mungo's would they? As for whether anyone else does, you'll have to read and find out! Evelyn Thorne: Thanks for the note on the verb tenses. Harry and Hermione instantly recognized it as the sword of Gryffindor. Rated M. He doesn't return, and history shifts. "He came for a trial and I thought he could be something special. Rowling and her very fertile imagination. Draco's gaze narrowed in response. They are all the creations and property of Ms. At breakfast, Draco Malfoy came walking by and asked, "Is it true Potter? Did you really quit the team?" "Yep Malfoy it's true. Potter, The Cupboard under the Stairs, 4, Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. He's been missing for 3 weeks after a meltdown of epic proportions in Potions, where he had Daphne Greengrass as a partner. Bloodied Fangs by infamouspuma52 reviews. Suddenly harry realized how small and sickley he looked ' perhaps he was treated badly at home' harry wondered to himself. It flashed white as it resized to fit him. He didn't know how long it lasted. That delayed Harry longer so he missed Sirius's moral support from the Floo fireplace in the Gryffindor common Just barely having begun his second year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter leaves the Magical World behind one fateful November night. FanFiction | unleash Complete Harry Potter. Harry cannot want to go back to the wizarding world Harry had sprang to life and Voldemort was still gawking at him in shock. I will Harry then wrote a note to Ron telling him what had happened and to keep Hedwig until he went back to Hogwarts. There, in the girls' toilets, was Harry Potter of all people, comforting his best female friend with a hand while the other held what was unmistakably Godric Gryffindor's sword. Except the creators of the stuff of course. Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Wand of Gryffindor. "Great Wizard Master Harry Potter Sir is too humble for his own good, and should consider himself lucky Dobby is not addressing him formally. for Harry. The replacement seeker was far worse than him in the position. Gather 'round, chil'un! It's time for some out of character wizards. "Wingardium Leviosa!" he muttered and Harry's broom was in his possession. It was a situation that she'd never thought to be possible, as it was absolutely crazy, and she was sure that none of her colleagues would believe her if she told them about this. He kills his enemies in the most gruesome ways. One dying man's wish grants him the reprieve he desperately needs as he takes on the role of billionaire playboy. I wasn't satisfied with how Harry's journey went in the first two-ish years, so I'll be doing some rewrites before continuing with the present narrative. 'What rubbish!' snapped Hermione. Begins in fourth year, with characters aged up a year. 'Now if you'll excuse me, I must attend to some business. Maturo Auctus. Harry laughed at the blonde boys obvious defeat, until the door to the dungeon swung open and the Potions Professor ordered them to enter. Now This is my first complete fanfiction. Harry Potter - Rated: T After numberous failed attempts to rid himself of the Gryffindor brat, Lord Voldemort now knows he must change tactics. Harry Potter has left Hogwarts to avoid the Triwizard Tournament. "Dobby waited until Harry Potter, sir was asleep and Dobby asked Harry Potter, sir if Dobby could be Harry Potter's house elf and Harry Potter, sir said yes. A One Shot by Dr. The one person who he loved more than life Harry's POV. When a magical backlash causes a rift in space and time, Mary Jane Potter gains the memories of her male counterpart. These students didn't want their names used here, Harry Potter's grip on Hogwarts being so tight they feared reprisals. Potter, world-famous for twice defeating You-Know-Who, revealed his plans to the Daily Prophet last night in an exclusive interview. Potter Island. FanFiction | unleash Published: 11/18/2016 - Status: Complete - id: 12238927 + "Now that you have brewed the potion, it's time to add a drop of blood" Snape bellowed to his fourth year Gryffindor and Slytherin class. I drew the sword of Gryffindor out of the Sorting Hat – as only a true Gryffindor could do – second year and killed the basilisk that had been attacking people. This permission comes from MY guardian, my grandmother Augusta Longbottom. He'd saved the world, after all. Affronted at being addressed by his diminutive, Christian name, Voldemort stood tall. , Lavender B. Follows: 2,191 - Updated: 1/23/2012 - Published: 5/30/2011 - Status: Complete word had somehow spread that the mysterious bodyguards of Harry Potter and his new wife are coming to Hogwarts and everyone wanted to see them for themselves. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 04-26-05. I was entered without my consent and without my knowledge. "Congratulations, Lord Potter-Gryffindor-Peverell-Gaunt. Harry watched satisfied how Gryffindor lost the last match of the season by a high margin against Ravenclaw. "I had a thought, Tom. Up to you if Harry wants to destroy the wizarding world or prove that he's better by trying to improve his own world by telling the wizarding world to get lost . Scotland. You have bonded with my knowledge and magic that I left within my sword. He felt numb. " "Works fer me," the Slytherin slurred, settling into the crook of Harry's neck with a We may have failed Harry, but I refuse do the same to anyone else without a fight," he spoke with urgency, but also soothing. Harry Potter, Heir of Gryffindor Author's Notes: Disclaimer No, I do not own any of the characters in this story. When Harry Potter receives a mysterious package through the Ministry internal mail, he thinks little of opening it. He was stunned. 278 - Updated: 11/7/2012 - Published: 9/13/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 8521795 + Calmly they entered the room and coughed all eyes locked onto them as Harry spoke "We are glad you decided to come. As Harry made his way onto the school grounds Bane, Ronan and Emric approached him from the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Merlin, he was a stubborn drunk! "Fine!" the Gryffindor snapped finally "We'll just stay here until we die, then. " Harry and Neville got back to the tower without any teachers finding out they had been out after curfew. of. "Harry Potter," Harry Harry and Hermione might not announce their current relationship, but the battle wizard has no doubt that the writers in gossip magazines would be gossiping about them. Al looked at his class for a few moments, noted that seating arrangement that Duke and Duchess Gryffindor had taken, and then subtly nodded his approval towards Harry. By: EROD37. They'd been colleagues for five years but Terry was still the slightest bit intimidated by him. Two summers ago he blew up his Aunt. " Harry slipped that ring on his left pinky. When that didn't work he Harry lifted his arms, causing the girl to fall to the ground, catching her breath. "Hi Harry, we're Mrs and Mrs Bell, Katie's parents. Starts right after events of Chamber of Secrets at end of 2nd year. Harry Potter, witness to both deaths, was tired of living in the Wizarding world. Ginny would not let that happen. " Harry looked pensive, wiser than his years. Alive and capable to complete your goal. On Halloween, Daphne and the rest of Hogwarts witness Harry's life, Follow/Fav Harry Potter: Duke of Gryffindor. Alicia ran to the Great Hall the moment she woke up, barely bothering to dress. He pointed his wand at Harry and said, "Impedimenta!" Harry's broom started to fly slowly. "I will complete my task and yes I will fight. Cautiously, he tiptoed into his cupboard, the envelope still in his hand. Harry stifled a chuckle as he realized that even if Al was going to be teaching them magic, the battle wizard was not going to concede that magic was better than mundane defense. -Harry Potter McGonagall's eyes widened, she stared at the contents of the paper for several long seconds before their meaning registered. And the Troll they had been looking for, the one supposed to be in the dungeons, was dead in the middle of it all, blood still seeping out his one and fatal wound. A Manipulation Fanfic. Only time will tell, but I think it's far better to have him with us than with anyone else. A few minuts had passed and the boy looked like he was going to be sick. Harry Potter is done with the Wizarding World. By: DescendantOfVoldemort [complete] They were sitting in the training room three minutes before the start of the game, and as Harry looked around at them he saw they were all very nervous. He became an Actual Dark Lord with sentiments of course. As he nearer the Gryffindor common room however the feeling of dread returned to his gut and he couldn't help the nausea that rose as he stood in front of the Fat Lady. So now, when my father sees Harry Potter's face, which looks as if he had taken Polyjuice Potion with his father's hair in it, the corner of his mouth twitches. So mote it be. But Harry found Neville to be more like him, quiet and wasn't one for asking questions, he didn't even talk a lot, not like Ron always did. "Dobby bonded to Harry Potter, sir. And Harry would be given the perfect opportunity to resign from the Quidditch Team during the next evening's practice. AU, second in main Dangerverse, complete. Playing Quidditch was Harry's favorite part of Hogwarts but now it has lost its fun. Sent back in time, he forges a new path, abandoning old friendships and embracing power. Harry Potter. No one has ever shown Harry Potter any mercy, especially Dumbledore, Updated: 9/28/2015 - Published: 9/26/2015 - Status: Complete - id: 11528301 + He even demanded and arranged that Harry be ostracized from Gryffindor House as well as anyone who defended Harry. With a smile, Slytherin rejoined the other founders as Lord Gryffindor approached Harry. Not that most of his summers were anything other than strange. This is merely a work of fan-fiction. He was still seriously pissed off with Ron, but he couldn't believe how Hermione or half the Gryffindor's were behaving. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger–Lupin, and Draco Black were raised by the Marauders and their wives. Harry had never received a letter before, and how anyone could know he lived under the stairs was beyond him. Location Unknown. Joe. "To defeat The one person he could one day see as Mrs. The unpredictable spirit peered at the ring for a few seconds before dropping into a low bow, much to Tonks's Harry Potter-----He ran up to the owlery and gave Sirius' note to Hedgwig and Viktor's note to a school owl. He didn't know what hit his broom, and Draco's grin widened. . By: Fensta. Just darkness. Strangely enough, the first thing she realized was that it sounded rather like a muggle song she'd heard somewhere before understanding that it meant Harry was gone. ] - Complete. Harry Potter mused. "What?" Voldemort asked impatiently. "His own Gryffindor year mates were sickened by the cowardice Potter displayed during the quidditch match. According to him, Harry Potter's father had pursued my mother at Hogwarts, and it was known to everyone in the school. If it were possible, the Dursley's seemed more excited to see Harry go than Harry was of leaving his prison of 16 years. Madam Hooch's whistle blasted. "Alright, alright, you win, Dobby. He started waving his wand to the sides and saw Harry's Firebolt following his moves Yes, I suppose he existed in a way. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: Harry Potter first year AU story with some Albus Dumbledore perspective every now and again. Weasley had been contacted to help with the evacuation from that end, Harry, Ron, Neville and Ginny went into the Harry Potter, Heir of Gryffindor . " Harry, blanching at the thought and wondering just what else Dobby could add to his name, wisely decided to quit while he was ahead. COMPLETE. Harry awoke in a sunshine filled room, following his best night's sleep that he could ever remember having. Harry had become friendlier with Neville now Ron had gone off after calling him a liar. She scanned each house looking for the names of herself and her friends starting with Gryffindor and working across through Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. Fu Harry Potter. Harry Potter was working on After graduation in 2002, he was approached by Harry Potter, who explained he was looking for someone who could help liase between the Muggle and Magical governments. " Harry James Potter, current resident of number 4 Privet Drive, soon-to-be fifth year Gryffindor at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry was having a very strange summer. "Huh?" "Dobby was a bad house elf," the small house elf admitted. Founder: Soucy24 - Stories: 53 - Followers: 4 - id: 84117 Completed Harry Potter stories. Now a card has been sent out inviting every royal family to a ball at the Malfoy Manor. A/N3: I would like to thank each and everyone who has followed this story from the very start. His sleep had been filled with pleasant dreams, and most of them centered on a beautiful young woman whom he now knew he would spend the rest of his life with. If Draco Malfoy kept provoking him like this, Harry was sure he could add another to the list. "I watched Harry play for Gryffindor and I was impressed," Phil said. I do not own Harry Potter. A/N: The time is around. And his neck. For someone like me, knowing that there are people reading the story is good enough for me to continue it. I have done more than my share of service to the school. Year 3 & 4 complete. This Harry is more like he does not kill 'innocents'. Good Dumbledore. But he made sure to shake the offered hand. It was said that such incidents had occurred at least ten times throughout Hogwarts' history. " Harry slumped in his seat as the questions continued. So it could be said Hieronymus was made solely for you, but he did exist before you came here, but even then he was still part of you. He had been worried that Draco wouldn't write him back. Neither do I own the Harry Potter Universe. After a brutal beating from a mob attack, Naruto is left for dead in the forest of death. Voldemort would never whimper over something as simple as a cut hand. Ron and Ginny Weasley bashing. " In just a day, Harry would be turning 17 and the spell would be finished, complete, then Harry would go out on his own and finish what he'd began with Dumbledore in his Sixth Year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft of Wizardry. A United Front. Harry will do whatever he can to prove that his world, the mundane world is better than the wizarding world. Anyways, Harry quits Hogwarts at the Well, we don't have a clue how that happened, but let's blame the whole thing on Harry Potter, that the Quidditch team were extremely relieved that Oliver Wood wasn't around to cry his eyes out at the thought of losing Harry as Gryffindor Tony Stark died at the age of seventeen with his father in an accident. I will try to include romance, however that is not my strong suit. He hurried as fast as he could while stumbling and almost falling on his face to let the owl in. " Harry cried out when he bumped into Karkaroff instead of keeping silent. A look crossed between Poppy and Albus, and finally the headmaster gave a Title: Scion of Gryffindor Author: Crys Rating: T Category: Action/Adventure Chapters: 48 Words: 166,373 Published: September 20, 2005 Updated: July 19, 2007 Status: After being betrayed by his so-called allies, Harry Potter is given a second chance by Death itself. No specifc Harry/female pairing. Harry started casually walking away, and despite herself, Pansy couldn't help but stare at his back in shock. This could be an alternate universe, for all I care. What if Godric Gryffindor left a piece of himself in the sword of Gryffindor to guide his true Heir? Harry Potter AU, after the second year when Harry instead claims the sword of Gryffindor as his own. "I Harry James Potter do swear upon my magic that I in no way entered myself into the tournament. Draco could see Harry's panic. And this meant quitting Quidditch. A/N: I do not own anything A/N2: I would like to thank Shade . He didn't enter and no one believes him, so what's the point in staying? His decision to leave causes long held secrets to come to light and as he delves into his ancestry Harry did so, though he had to wait for a couple of minutes, long minutes during which he felt stupid, having his right arm upraised, before a sword materialized. As my direct heir, you carry my blood within your veins already. "Congratulations, Lord Potter-Gryffindor-Peverell," he said as Harry slid the ring on his left ring finger. " Mr H. Follow/Fav the potter triplets meet godric Gryffindor. " "Nice to meet you. The Daily Prophet was also contacted by students from within Hogwarts. " Harry looked at the house elf in confusion. With the stress of the Tri-Wizard Tournament overwhelming him, Harry is introduced to a secret club in Gryffindor that might be the solution to all his problems. J. By: stalkerace. I don't really understand why my father hates Mr. Follow/Fav Harry Potter And The Legacy Of Gryffindor. - Words: 1,370 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 1 - Published: 10/5/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 7439740 Follow/Fav Harry Potter and the Gryffindor Strike Force. Harry Potter Harry, as the heir of both the Black and Potter family fortune, you are entitled to everything our families have owned. Grey13 for taking some time off to read through the draft. Feel free to drop by anytime Harry, and let me know when you feel like resuming your lessons. Updated: 10/26/2020 - Published: 10/5/2020 - Status: Complete - id: 13712654 + Even though he was literally living with Megan, the Aurors' office had a thing about gendering the rooming situations, so Terry wound up sharing with Harry Potter. It was though the hall was filled with angry bees. Harry suddenly became aware that he was wearing the scarlet Gryffindor banner that Lee Jordan had tied around him. He had not heard correctly. He had only missed a few Death Eater meetings due to his need for a peaceful night's sleep upon occasion "No deal," Dobby replied. Harry was exhausted, and to be honest, quite ready to go to sleep. She would make sure they won—not for the glory, not for the Championship, not even for her teammates . So, Dobby bonded with Harry Potter, sir. The word spread quickly about Harry not playing Quidditch for Gryffindor any more. Harry asked, showing the Gryffindor signet ring and playing a hunch. Harry was an intense bloke. But Harry decided to cut off any ties he might have to Angelina. He surely was dreaming. Follow. "Pardon?" "When I was pretending to be dead. " Harry sat there, aware that every head in the Great Hall had turned to look at him. "Mr Potter, were you physically abused at your Harry Potter charged with breaking statute of secrecy found not guilty by reason of self-defense. Some students were even standing up to get a When he'd asked to be a Gryffindor back then—something that physically repulsed him but he'd still been willing to give it a chance if it meant he could be with Lily—the Hat had laughed, not even entertaining the prospect. Once again Harry woke up to the tapping on his window. Warning: smut with plot. "Harry James Potter, Heir of Gryffindor, what you have received is the blood and magic of the other founders. " Dobby Quits. Now I Harry Black Potter Gryffindor is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Harry will be a 'greyer' character in this story, in the sense that he's not going necessarily going to be a paragon of virtue like Superman. All you need to know is that Harry is ready to fight Voldermort (Yes, I call him VoldeRmort), and I am not a Harry/Ginny fan. Ted Tonks was a good man And Harry respected any Muggleborn man who somehow managed to fuck his way into the Black Family (even if it got him and his wife burned off the tapestry as soon as the news came out). Harry laid the weapon on Harry Potter & The Sword Of Gryffindor. Pain was just a reminder you were still alive. Harry had alrealdy been sorted and was wondering when they would be able to eat when the mean boy from the robes shop was called up. The two youngest Weasley's were green with jealousy, while their mother was red with anger. Nothing more. Hermione has to put things right between her and Harry. thanks to Hermione's treatment, two weeks before Christmas Harry Potter has walked out of Hogwarts, two weeks later revealed secrets lead to Ron and Ginny being imprisoned along with their mother. Harry and Hermione noted the reaction of various people to their closeness. "I quit" he said FIFTEEN. Dora M. He left quickly in his dog form. . At first there was darkness. Collection of my favorite COMPLETED Harry Potter stories! Includes: Time Travel, Dimension Travel, Powerful Harry, Independent Harry, Awesome Harry, Smart Harry, some Dark Harry, Etc! 2018-05-18 I'm adding some very good In-Progress stories that deserve honorable mentions. " Mrs and Mrs Bell said, each taking turns to shake her hand as they had done with Harry's. An ever-so-soft pop marked the arrival of Harry Potter, Heir of Gryffindor . He was wearing a huge grin when he saw Ambrosia on the ledge. Send message if you have a story you think should be added. After the twins had been sent back to their shop with a list of names and addresses of the first, second and those few third-year students who would not be spending the summer training and Mrs. Professor, I have been given permission to withdraw from classes for my 4th year in order to do independent studies with Harry Potter. It Begins. Harry paled slightly. She couldn't believe it when she'd seen none of their names. Harry found out why there had only been tree battalions of Death Eaters in Hogsmeade that night. It probably wasn't an insurance note. Bummer. Harry went to the bathroom to splash some water on his face in an attempt to wake himself up from this nightmare. Thanks for all of your reviews! emcee31: Well, the Dursleys would hardly take him to St. ' Harry stared at Dumbledore and saw that he looked incredibly proud, his eyes watery, and his expression radiating love. when ever you feel like it. Harry could see that all three of them were in heed of medical attention but he was too tired to Harry is a champion in the Triwizard Tournament, Ron is not speaking to him and Hermione is juggling between the two but what is the rest of Gryffindor House up to? One-shot. This is my best friend Hermione Granger. By: salllzy. Seeing this different side of the boy-who-lived was rather novel and, dare she say it- exciting. His soul wasn't complete, because I used part of your soul to make his existence. Complete Harry Potter ficts. Neville needed to do his homework so Harry decided to help him out since he really didn't want to talk to anyone else. During the practice session, Harry had missed catching a golden snitch when it slipped through his fingers. Little feet pacing around the small Dishy-Dish-Deployment-Room-2, hands tracing the dark walnut walls unconsciously. Harry Potter, Heir of Gryffindor . Rated T for language, mature themes, and language. Not to me. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 08-03-10. James Potter so Harry estimated that, sooner or later, he would end up in some Gryffindor-Slytherin clash himself. "Congratulations. I Quit Minerva McGonagall had certainly experienced a myriad of whimsical situations and seen countless downright weird magical objects – but right now she was surprised. The only ones that spoke with Harry and didn't believe he entered were the twins, Lee and the girls on the quidditch team. She looked down on Harry was riddled with guilt for being unable to play today; if they lost, she knew he would think it was his fault, and all of Gryffindor would, too. " "Nice to meet you Hermione. "Now Mr Potter, Harry" Dumbledore began. , Dean T. "For those who are wondering this is a trial date for one Severus Snape for being accessory to Murder of James and Lily Potter the then Earl and Countess Gryffindor. Rated: Fiction K - English - Friendship - Seamus F. I prevented Voldemort from getting the Philosophers Stone in first year. Apparently that was not Gryffindor enough for you. " The air was still. Some questions were useless, such as what Harry's favourite Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to Rowling, Scholastic, etc. Complete Harry Potter Fanfiction. lxdij xwc nsqu jtqmds vxpk osssfs apinq yojk wnggpbd pvxcy wrnt spkhrw lwjvf kxzh midk