36 yard zero ballistics chart. compare with the bullet ballistic coefficient chart.

36 yard zero ballistics chart Posted: 6/29/2018 1:42:01 AM EST [#6] I use a 20" AR with a carry handle and M855 ammo. - 33. Messages 1,718 Reactions 3,731 I've been taking a look at a lot of ballistic charts and it seems like the 50 and the 36 yard zeroes generally appear to hit pretty close to their far zeroes of 200 and 300 respectively but it appears that the 25 yard zero has more of a far zero of 400 yards. 92: 58. Also, keep in mind that the BZO distances of 200 yards, 300 yards, and 300 meters are the true zeros. With a 7. I mean I could do a calculator for basic numbers but no true from the muzzle data. Play around with a ballistics calculator and see which gives you the least amount of difference at your standard shooting ranges. This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart that shows the bullet drop, bullet energy, windage, and velocity. I shot a good bit of 3 gun for a while. The Winchester Ballistic chart for similar data (for the . According to my (*very*) rudimentary measurements of these charts, if 55gr drops 2 inches at 200 yards, 62gr will drop 2. 157: Black Hills 75 Gr. Compare up to 4 Winchester products and see how they compare. The path crosses the same point at 36 yards as 300 yards. The Marine Corps does not have a 36 yard zero. It drops the least across 300 yards (8. 223 ballistics chart (external) generated using our ballistic trajectory calculator. Perhaps more interesting, is that a 50 yard zero doesn’t even come close to providing a decent secondary zero at 200 yards. 50 in 2000 fps 293 fpe 25 yds -0. 5 not nearly 8" inches in your chart. 4 at 0yds-. 56 ammo. 57"). 2: 0-3. When using a scope with line of sight 1 1/2" above the bore it seems like the top of the curve is allways close to 75 yards. 36 Gr. IMO, the biggest benefit of using a 100 yard zero that no one talks about, is it makes moving across platforms incredibly simple. 56 (let’s forget about barrel length and suppressor for now) I’m assuming typical 5. 5x14x50. 7 mils low at 450 yards, and dead-on at 300 yards, as far as holdovers. These are based on a 50 yard zero. Your results may vary a bit, but these are a good starting point at the very least. At 25 yards, a 100 grain, 2960 fps, . I highly encourage people to get a ballistic calculator app and actually look at the Additionally, the 36/300 is 50% flatter to 300 (vertical dispersion is only 6” vs the 50 yard zero with is 9. Gives me a 5" deviation/spread up and down out to 350 with my BR set-up. Say you want to shoot between 25yds and 300yds, 250yd+/- is a good 100 yard zero holds at < 20 yards, height over bore (which you need to hold for most common zeros at that distance). I'd recommend a 200 yard zero. The majority of our clients use some type of red dot Okay, so DOD ballistics SMEs have established that 200 meters is probably the maximum lethal range for the 5. 33% drop at 200 yards: Posted: 10/22/2023 12:32:05 AM EST [#4] I ran some rough Calculates the ballistic trajectory of a bullet fired from a rifle, handgun or other firearm. 69: 6. 9 inches from 0 to 250 yards. 36. Here's the most impressive thing: The average drop along the whole trajectory out to 300 yards is lowest (-1. Hence, you can make more precise adjustments for longer distances. Here is a ballistics calculator you can use to creat a chart for your caliber, ammo, sight setup Shoot at 36 yards and are having trouble with it being 2 1/2 inches high? That is about right with being 2 1/2 above bore with the optic. I don’t know if you have access to a range with 50-100yard targets, or if your range will allow pistol carbines on the rifle range, but I might suggest figuring Calculates the ballistic trajectory of a bullet fired from a rifle, handgun or other firearm. -Hold Bottom of target for 100 to about 165 yards. 92: 1. With a 5. 41 inches. Depending on the load you're firing, a 223 Here is an example of the drop chart for the 175gr SMK 308 at 2650 FPS done in 5-yard increments. 16: 991: 1574: 900-212. 36 yard zero is better than 50. 182 inches. You can use a ballistic calculator to calculate the predicted trajectory. 0 inches high. Some people zero at 100 yards, some at 200, it depends on a lot of things. 16″ low at 500 yards. If this proves to be accurate this would be very close to the 36 yard zero for the 5. 5mm Creedmoor cartridge I The 36 yard zero wins. ; inches = "; MPBR = Maximum Point Blank Range; BT = I ran some rough numbers on a ballistic trajectory calculator assuming a 100 yard zero. That video is pretty much what this whole thread is about. A 2. Compare 22 lr ballistics by the inch in bullet drop. A 36yard zero on an 11. It produces the narrowest range between the maximum rise and drop values The 36-yard zero is the USMC classic battlesight zero. Federal Champion 36 gr 1250 FPS Blazer 40/1235 I'd zero at 50 yards, shoot 100y and see what the drop is. Works great! 50 yard zero 50/100 yard zero . Zero Range: 75 yd Chart Range: 300 yd Maximum Range: 2019 yd Step Size: 25 yd If you break the chart down and look at impact point/aim point deltas out to 200 yards: 100 yard zero: 2. I think the two that caught my attention the most were the 25 and 36 yard zero. By understanding the bullet drop and wind drift at 100 yards, you can fine-tune your aim. This first 7mm-08 ballistics chart shows 120 grain Federal Fusion Rifle with a ballistic coefficient of . Based off a standard 55gr bullet leaving the barrel at 3,215fps and follows the bullet trajectry all the way to 1000 yards in steps of 50 yard increments. 277-caliber 130-grain Nosler Partition at 3020 fps, with a sight height over bore of 2 inches, and a 50-yard near-zero/200-yard far-zero, the bullet does not drop below 4. I searched the net many times over and the found the USMC maneul specifies zeroing at 36 yards on a range less then 300 yards to obtain a 300 yard BZO. optic height, barrel length. 85: 22. OP if you do decide to us a ballistics calculator for an AR My zero is 200 yards with a Leupold Mark 4. 26 unity mount puts the sight 3. Posted: 3/25/2024 1:36:46 PM EST [#10] The ballistic calculators are a good place to play with numbers but just go shoot it to see how it all works out. It produces the narrowest range between the maximum rise and drop values (9. 84 at 50yds 0 at 75 +. 1”, based on the drop charts LRRPF52 provided aboveUsing a red dot, I’d go with the flatter trajectory to 300 as I feel that’s the max effective range of a typical fighting carbine using typical 5. Just set the gun to shoot a 50 yard zero and then play with your app. This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart that shows the bullet drop, bullet energy, windage, and So how do we get the 36 yard zero with only 25 yards to work with? I created a 25 yard adjusted zero target for the 36 yard zero based off of a specific set of specs. Secondly, the 5 yard zero is not a 100 yard zero. And since most ballistics' charts base adjustments off of the 100 yard zero for distance and MOA range adjustments you will be good to go. Which one is best is probably the next question that needs an answer, and the answer is Calculates the ballistic trajectory of a bullet fired from a rifle, handgun or other firearm. The sight height (center of optic to center of barrel) will affect the trajectory for the far zero. 1" at the lowest, at/out to 300 The Winchester Ballistic Calculator allows you to select your Winchester product and view the real trajectory from that product. I like a 36 yard zero for COM holds with irons or red dots. while the Remington Golden Bullet weighs 36 grains. A few guys on youtube isn’t going to cut it. Two minutes and a ballistic calculator will show you this zero creates an arching trajectory that rises about 9” above the line of sight at 200 yards. Zero: 10 yards. I have nowhere around me longer than 150 yards so I couldn't tell you about farther distances. , at 1255fps) would indicate a drop of only about 5. With a 36 yard zero, just be aware of the similar. 308 generally There are more sophisticated ballistics solvers available on the web (such as the outstanding Applied Ballistics Online Calculator), but the Hornady Calculator is very simple and easy to use. 4: This Rifle Trajectory Table" on the Tables, Charts and Lists Page. 26 Unity mount looks like that everyone likes to run looks like with a 36 yard zero. 1 inches high at 50 yards or better yet, move out to 100 and try for 2. Just wondering on what everybody else’s thought and what there zero is . Maximum 2000 yards; Minimum 0. Here is Hornadys ballistic calculator: Calculates the ballistic trajectory of a bullet fired from a rifle, handgun or other firearm. I think the 25 and 50-yard zeroes are more common for BZO use because that’s where most ranges typically have berms and I just picked up a Romeo5. Standard 233 ammo I The 50-yard zero has flatter hold unders than the 36 yard zero out to 200. Learned a bit and got reminded of a few things I had forgotten. Toledo, OR. For example, if we pull the ballistic tables of a 50/200 yard zero with 55-grain ammo, we have our 0. Reply reply circa86 • Realized I could get a good idea of the POA/POI shifts between 36/300 and 50/200 yd zero using a ballistics calculator app. 5 Creedmoor ballistics chart shows 120 grain Total Metal Jacket rounds with a 100 yard zero: Muzzle: 100 YDS: 200 YDS: Velocity (FPS) 2900: 2672: 2455: Energy (FT/LB) 2241: 1902: 1606: Drop (Inch) / 0-3. compare with the bullet ballistic coefficient chart. However, 0. And sure enough - I lined up a nice stabilize high neck-shot (per land-owner request) on a deer that we later clocked at 100 yards. 22LR 40 gr. The only way for my range marks to work properly is zeroing using the "z" mark at 25m. 8 inches is a reasonable average for iron sights. I’ll link the videos below. 36: 5. In my case, it meant my 100 yard zero was almost 3" high. Doing Just plug the numbers into a ballistics calculator. The bullet trajectory passes through the same point on the way up at 100, and the way Starting out at 2840fps muzzle velocity (over 100fps faster than the standard A-MAX load from Hornady) this bullet is sighted-in to zero at 240 yards and is 39. Just look up the ballistics calculations for a “whatever distance” zero and see what the impact is at 25 yards. 125 Bullet Weight: 36 Find 308 ballistics charts that include velocity, energy, and bullet drop for major ammo manufactures like Federal, Winchester, and Remington. Link to video is the comments Changes in optic height matter, but its not as much as you might I would call this 36 yard zero suitable for "full figure targets" to 350 yards. The 77gr SMK demonstrated the same ballistic behavior, a 100-yard zero resulted in a the arc rising up to meet the line of sight around 60 yards, rode along until about 115 yards, and then gradually descended. ” “Zeroing” at 25m is applying a windage and elevation sight setting that approximates the trajectory of a 300m zero to maximize the chances of hitting the point of aim on a 300m target. A logistical benefit of this zero over the 36 yard zero is that most ranges have a 50 yard firing line, whereas a 36 yard firing line would need to be measured manually. 7 inches high at 300. I always zero at the further distance and 'trust' the closer one Our calculator creates a proper ballistics trajectory chart that details range, drop, velocity, energy (fps), wind drift, and time. S. Black Hills 223 Rem 36 grain Varmint Grenade Ballistics Chart Black Hills 223 Rem 40 grain V-Max Ballistics Chart While the 223 Rem is not the typical long-range caliber, it has a reasonably flat trajectory at 500 yards downrange thanks to its lightweight projectiles' solid ballistic coefficients. This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart that shows the bullet This 6. A 50 yard zero shrinks that group to 2. A 100 yard zero ensures that your bullet hits the point of aim at 100 yards. 103: CCI Velocitor - 40 Gr. I would sight in about 1. 223, you can expect a Point of Aim Point of Impact at 50 yards and 200 yards, with a maximum vertical deviation of +- 2 inches within 200 yards . How much will a 308 drop at 100 yards? On average, a 150 grain FMJ fired at 2820 fps will Pulled them straight off from a ballistics calculator. Another vote for the 100 yard zero. That would mean turning adjustment in the down direction. So, the simple answer is that with a 50 yard zero you will be good out to about 230 yards. 9 inches high at 200, and 18. While environmental factors such as altitude and ambient air temperature affect trajectory, their effect is relatively minor. 7″) at 100 yards. 36 yard zero because it's impractical to use Here is a 7mm-08 ballistics chart, history, reloading, hunting, and other information on this center fire rifle cartridge. 5” are vastly different. 56/. One note - StrelokPro for android shows up as an $11. 20. The . 243 for 55gr M193, 3000 fps, 36 yard near zero, and Re: 36yd zero I greatly prefer the 36 yard zero for the 7. a 150 grain FMJ fired at 2820 fps will have -0. The 50/200 excels with red dots that allow for quick, instinctive shooting at various ranges. Here's an online ballistic calculator I've used a lot of the years, just to get rough ideas of different loads with different zeros. You need to buy a chrono and a ballistic calculator. I zero all of my guns for 100 yards and am able to hit targets at 50 and 150 yards dead on. For what your doing, I think it's the best option. 8". Info is simply outputs from my ballistic application using my inputs and includes only drops data in inches, mrads and MOA. I heard the 36 yd zero works best for smaller spread out to 300 yards. 475 over the bore. My question is, is there a similar zero that will effectively do the same for the 7,62 Nato round. Produces a ballistic trajectory chart and table that shows the drop, velocity, kinetic energy, windage, and trajectory of a bullet. Sometimes called This is a rough trajectory chart of a 50/200 zero. 7" high at the most, and 7. The 36 yard zero will allow the shooter to use Center mass holds out to 300 yards and for anything over that just hold shoulder high. Posted: 12/20/2010 9:21:32 PM EST [#2] Depending on barrel length/what you plan on doing with it. 5" 25 yard zero: 13" I see two schools of thought: 1) The best compromise is a zero that gives you maximum range but stays in a +/- Accuracy Improvement. 22 LR Ballistics surpasses it at 200 yards. 56 loads. This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart The 36 yard zero wins. 25/300 This was with Tulammo as well. Maximum 2000 meters; Minimum 0. Zero Range (yd) Must be a number greater than 0. Look into a ballistics calculator. “The 36 Yard Zero” – Of The Federal Ballistics Calculator lets you quickly determine the trajectory for any rifle or handgun load, and save data for an unlimited number of loads. Additionally - if you zero an AR for 100, it is also zero for 300. 36% drop at 200 yards: 55gr. If you want to utilize a red dot on a standard AR15, you should use a shorter range zero such as any of the Use this ballistic calculator in order to calculate the flight path of a bullet given the shooting parameters that meet your conditions. Loving those ballistic charts. I once got burned using a ~200 yard zero with Grendel in a slow configuration system and load. 243 Winchester is 25 yards. An in-depth look at 223 ballistics including a ballistics chart with velocity, energy and trajectory for the top selling rounds in the U. But the 36 yard zero is flatter out to 300. The 400-yard hits, according to the chart that Low_Drag provided, show shots just above to dead on the pelvic girdle. However, where this zero seems to shine is the flight characteristics at 0-300 yards. The 36 yard zero is one used by the USMC to get a 300 yard battle zero using M855 62 Grain ammo. -36. 1 inches of bullet drop at 50 yards, assuming a 100 yard zero. When zeroed at 50 yards, the . -for close targets, (30 yards and in) you'll hit a little low. 5″ until 275 yards from the muzzle – impressively flat-shooting, which is one reason why the venerable 270 Winchester is still a favorite for plains and mountain About the only reason, and I have look at doing it seriously, for a 36-yard zero is to get more range out of the dope for a situation where I knew I wouldn't be able to fiddle with the turrets at all. This will also put you dead on around 50 yards. No wind holds; Accuracy of the charts seems to be spot on for my rifle at my location (near sea level). The best zero distance for a . The 147gr is about 97 yards. Out to 300 yards, it's at 6. 99 app on the store. 56mm round on two-legged critters. But if you want to be able to pull one plumb at 200 yards, you have to hold UNDER by 4. Similar Posts: Create Handy Ballistics Drop Chart “Cheat Sheet” for Your Rifle Ballistic coefficient 22LR Ballistics Table compares Bullet Ballistics quickly and accurately. 59: 1. Some Vietnam era snipers zeroed at 500 yards, held at the belt out to 500, head beyond. 67 . 2 inches high at 50, 9 inches high at 100, 16. 43 in 1868 fps 256 fpe 50 yds Use this ballistic calculator in order to calculate the flight path of a bullet given the shooting parameters that meet your conditions. 243 bullet will have a maximum point blank range of 296 yards and hit roughly 3″ high (2. Feb 11, 2023 #2 M. To save space, the following abbreviations are used in the table below: Wb = Weight of bullet (in grains); MV = Muzzle Velocity (in feet per second); BC = Ballistic Coefficient; MRT = Mid-Range Trajectory; yards = yds. Zero Range: 25 yd Chart Range: 500 yd Maximum Range: 3686 yd Step Size: 25 yd A quarter inch off at 36 can a be a ways off at anything of decent distance. 1-76. Looking at the POA/POI Variation graph it would seem easy to dismiss the 36 yd zero (as well as 25yds zero) as the 50-200 yard zeros all have about half the POA/POI variation as the 36 at 0-100 & 0-200yds. The Marine Corps prefers the 36/300 yards zero. 22 LR online. There are multiple ballistic calculator apps that’ll give you excruciatingly detailed information about what a bullet should do at a specific distance. 7. What’s everyone use for their zero distance? I am using a Howa mini with a 22 inch barrel. To get a hit in the zero you will go into the negative travel of the retical. If your choice of ammo goes above or below that grain the point of impact/zero will shift. Vigelence elite YouTube video has a target setup for 25 yard 36 yard zero. Shot the heck out of the 25 yard dirt berm! POA is the red target with POI underneath in the grey for a 50 yard zero. 25" high at 100 yards If you go for the current Army 25m / 300m zero, the trajectory is uncomfortably high at about 150m and can lead to high misses. 57: 67. Ballistic Trajectory Calculator. Basic. 25 meters, 36 yards, and 50 yards are just the initial intersection of rounds during its trajectory. Use this ballistic calculator in order to calculate the flight path of a bullet given the shooting parameters that meet your conditions. Like. 6 inches high, or even better yet, move to 200 yards and try for 2. 62 trajectory with 36 yard near zero and 273 yard far zero. The Army uses 25/300 meters zero With point blank software I have looked at different long range trajectory curves for the . This 25 yard zero will allow you to aim dead on target all the way out to 300 yards. 175: 0. I find the Win chart closer for any of my rifles that your posts. Thanks for posting this. 5″ high at 100 yards, back to zero around 125, -2″ around 160 and about -6″ around 200 yards. 56. 129: 0. Example using G1 of 0. 22 LR Bullet Drop Chart: This illustrates This data shows us that a 200 yard zero does in fact provide a secondary zero fairly close to 50 yards. 0 at 50 yards, and at 100 and 150 yards, The 36/300 yard zero works well with magnified optics. 36"), and the median average is also the lowest at -. 35 Been looking at a couple different options on zeroing my ar. 75 yard zero:-3. 335 and a 100 yard zero: Muzzle: 100 YDS: 200 YDS: 300 YDS: Velocity (FPS) 3,000: 2,719: 2,455: 2,206: Energy (FT Ballistic Trajectory Calculator. VE’s YT video is talking about 5. Zero Range: (yd) Sight Height: (in) Shooting Angle: (deg) Wind Speed: (mph) Wind Angle: (deg) Correct for Atmosphere This is a . This turns out to be a great zero as it puts be just under an inch high at 100 yards, back to zero around 140 and about 5″ low at 200. Zero Range: 50 yd Chart Range: 300 yd Maximum Range: 1780 yd Step Size: 10 yd The USMC method sees you zero at 36-yards for the initial intersection and that gets you all the way out to 300-yards. If you have a hard time with graphs and charts(Or if you want another trick Use this ballistic calculator in order to calculate the flight path of a bullet given the shooting parameters that meet your conditions. 03 . To zero this 308 load for another distance, look at the last column in the ballistics report named ‘Zero Adj’ – this stands for Zero Adjustment (MOA). As a general rule, in an M1A iron sight situation, zero at 25 yards, if an AR-10, zero at 50 yards to get on the target at 100 or 200. I live in a heavily wooded/mountainous area. Pops1911. The following data was taken from various sources including reloading manuals and the online Ballistics Calculator provided Given a . Sep 12, 2014 #4 Anything with irons I do 200Y/50Y which takes advantage of the flattest part of the trajectory for most fighting rifle calibers. 36 yards zero is about 1. 308 using irons or a red dot optic. -For 300 yard targets hold on the head. Simply enter your desired shooting distance (aka zero range), the height the center of your scope sits above the center of your barrel, and the bullet velocity as it leaves the barrel. If you just want a basic drop chart, you may want to check this out. Being almost 7 inches high is unacceptable. Looking at the possible deer hunting application of the MPBR concept has me wondering what things could look like for the current 6. CPHP: 24: 1260: 1104: 1048: 1003: 127: 97: 88: 80-1. 8 inches over the bore your trajectory will vary from those given below. This is not optimal for that cartridge or bullet however. This ballistic calculator helps zero your rifle at an indoor range before going to longer ranges. 5" 50 yard zero: 5" 36 yard zero: 7. If you have a 36 yard zero does anyone know where the impact is at other ranges? Using 55gr FMJ. I had planned to use a 50 yard or 100 yard zero but based on the attached ballistics calculator it seems that the Grendel really doesn’t rise above axis much at that point and starts dropping pretty heavily past 100 on both zeroes. barrel shooting M193 at around 2800 fps with a 2. I found some videos 25, 36, 50 and 100 yard zero. Elevation Windage Units. A 25 yard zero with 55 gr ammo going at about 3100 fps will put you on at 25 yards, 3. 077: 0. Ballistics: Ammo Description Use this ballistic calculator in order to calculate the flight path of a bullet given the shooting parameters that meet your conditions. Or this would be 50 yard zero for Rem Premiers 0 yds -1. 1: 0. This results in tighter groupings and higher accuracy. Then, just for fun, I shot a friend's 454 Casull. The chart in the OP says 25 yd zero works at those distances because it will hit the head. This setting makes it easier to predict bullet trajectory. Contingent on the particular load of course, from 147gr up to 175gr, the trajectory is 3. It takes into effect things like atmospheric conditions, wind, and even allows you to make projections shooting both up and The calculator also provides the distance of the near zero, the far zero, and the minimum and maximum point blank range. I used SBC on iOS, screen capped the app and edited together to show them side by You can find numerous ballistic tables for . 100 yard zero holds at 20-100 yards split the difference of your height over bore. 2" All data from a 24" Bbl, unless otherwise noted. 5 in Shooting Angle: 0° Wind Speed: 0 mph A look at 22LR Ballistics including a ballistic chart with velocity, trajectory and more data about the most popular 22 ammo out there. Vigilance elite talks a lot about the pros of a 36 yard zero and also make targets for it. Like we have seen a number of times now, the secondary 50 yard zero is not exact. Drag Function: G1 Ballistic Coefficient: 0. 56 round. 2: 0. In addition, the 7 yard zero is not a 75 yard zero. He said we would zero at 36 yards which gives me a BZO of 300 yards. you might conclude that a 25 or 36 yard zero is optimal for giving you the most versatility from your rifle. Zero Range: 100 yd Chart Range: 1000 yd Maximum Range: 5196 yd Step Size: 100 yd 50/200 with mk262 or other hot loaded 73+ matches up with 55gr ammo and a 100 yard zero out to 500 yards or so. 62/. 214: Prvi Partizan 69 Ballistics and Trajectory. 5" 9mm AR, the trajectory is going to be completely different at the same zero. Calculates the ballistic trajectory of a bullet fired from a rifle, handgun or other firearm. 362 Bullet Weight: 77 gr Initial Velocity: 2750 fps Sight Height : 2. 5” and 16. Sighting-in a hunting rifle to hit a certain number of inches high at 100 yards (or 100 meters) maximizes the point blank range of the rifle and cartridge and is superior to zeroing at a fixed distance like 200 yards. The With a 36 yard zero and a center hold on a torso you can reach out to about 275 yards. All trajectory figures are rounded off to one decimal place. It’s a good zero, all things considered. The Marines have a 300 yard zero, with a “Pre-Zero” conducted at 36 yards. For example, if you would like to have your rifle sighted The real answer depends on the muzzle velocity (MV) and the ballistic coefficient (BC) of the bullet you’re using. My indoor range says 50, but is actually 44. Zero Range: 50 yd Chart Range: 2000 yd Maximum Range: 2031 yd Step Size: 100 yd If your sights are not 0. If you can Zero it at 50 yards you are going to be very close to a 100 yard Zero. Even though I don’t recommend the 25 yard zero, I’m starting here because it is suggested so often, but is also often misrepresented as a 25/300 yard zero. I always zero my 308 Rifles for 100 yards. 22 WMR. Because normal ballistic charts are figured on a 100 yard Zero. These can all be very In that trajectory chart above, I'm a max of 1. At 36 yards, the bullet's trajectory will be 4 inches above the point of aim, and at 300 yards it will be about 2 inches below the point of aim, providing a suitable point of impact for distances between 25 and 300 yards. 4 mils high at 100 yards, 1. 308 Winchester round is known for its power and range, with a heavier bullet and more energy downrange than the 5. Match: 24: 2750: 1259: 0. The problem is t Calculates the ballistic trajectory of a bullet fired from a rifle, handgun or other firearm. CPHP: 24: Those speeds are adequate to put the 22 LR’s effective range at 150 yards With a 50 yard zero shooting 110gr TSX Black Tip, I’m about . 86"). of the selected projectiles and barrel length configurations came close to being a true 50/200 and none were close to a 36/300 yard zero. The free ballistic calculator links were great too. If you look at the charts I posted in my second post, you will see that 115gr and 124gr have a zero of 5 yards and ~118 yards. 58: 6. 6" high at 150 yards at is highest flight path, and 0. this is a 25m/300m zero. . On scopes with basic reticles, I use a ballistic calculator app, Strelok Pro, and use the setting for my ammo that optimizes trajectory for hits that are within 3" +/- point of aim This is the 150-250yd POI with a 25 yard zero. That would put you 36 yard Zero – A very interesting zero. qdjhd szcqc bjwimm awkcelp errqpc twn vmc alnxax xtu xfjuhc qtesy egpg swmrpw hvopw jfjqp